min read
April 2, 2023

What is Non-Sleep Deep Rest?

Recently, I have heard more and more about Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR).

NSDR is a quick way to recharge and rest your brain and body. You get the benefits of a nap with a full sleep cycle without the time commitment.

Dr. Andrew Huberman, a Stanford neuroscience professor, studied this form of rest and found that it had enormous restorative benefits with minimal effort. In essence, you are allowing your body to fall into a semi-conscious, semi-focused state; it’s the period right before falling asleep.

NSDR usually lasts around twenty minutes, and many reports have shown that the majority of people feel an increase in energy immediately after! It can also help your brain learn new information, retain new information, and even increase the quality of your sleep later that day.

If you’ve ever done yoga nidra, which Is a form of body-scan meditation, it’s very similar. There are numerous videos and podcasts out there to guide you through it. I usually use some that I find on YouTube, and I have found that it's a great way to get me through long days when I don't have time for a full nap.

So, next time you are short on time but need to feel rejuvenated and recovered, try NSDR!